Edition 2020

Photo description: Woman in pink wedding dress sitting on a bicycle with man in jeans cycling.

What are our favourite wedding dates? What about partnership registrations?

For years now, Friday has been the most popular day to get wed. Monday is the most popular day for concluding a partnership. A relatively large number of weddings also take place on that day. Most municipalities offer the possibility of marrying or entering into a registered partnership on Mondays, either at a lower cost or free of charge.

<200200-400400-600600-800800-1,0001,000+SatFriThuWedTueMonSunFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovJanDecMarriagesWhat are our favourite wedding dates?
<200200-400400-600600-800800-1,000SatThuWedTueMonSunFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovJanDecFriRegistered partnershipsWhat about partnership registrations?

On average, about a third of couples have married on a Friday in recent years and the months of May, June and September are the most popular. On special dates, such as Valentine’s Day, the day of the week seems less important. More couples also get married on appealing dates. For example, 750 tied the knot on Thursday 20-02-2020, more than 10 times as many as on a normal Thursday in February. Until 1983, December was still a popular month to get married. For tax purposes, people who got married in December were viewed as having been married that entire year. From 1984, living together, whether married or not, for six months or longer became decisive.

Most registered partnerships on Monday

With respect to registered partnerships, there is not as clear a preference for the spring and summer months as is the case with weddings. As far as the day of the week is concerned, Monday is the most popular: almost 40 percent of all registered partnerships are concluded on that day. The registered partnership was introduced in 1998. Over the years, the number of couples who opt for this has grown gradually, and since 2014 this increase has accelerated. The number of marriages, however, has remained more or less the same since 2013. In 2019, already a quarter of the relationships recorded in the civil registry were registered partnerships.

Marriages and partnerships (x 1,000)
Year Marriages Registered partnerships
1998 87.0 4.6
1999 89.4 3.3
2000 88.1 2.9
2001 82.1 3.4
2002 85.8 8.3
2003 80.4 10.1
2004 73.4 11.2
2005 72.3 11.3
2006 72.4 10.8
2007 72.5 10.6
2008 75.4 10.8
2009 73.5 9.5
2010 75.4 9.6
2011 71.6 9.9
2012 70.3 9.2
2013 64.5 9.4
2014 65.3 10.4
2015 64.3 12.8
2016 65.2 15.7
2017 64.4 17.9
2018 64.3 19.8
2019 63.6 21.9

Fewer weddings concluded during the lockdown

In the first two months of 2020, more marriages were contracted than in the same period a year earlier. In February, in particular, there were a number of appealing dates on which more people got married than on average. The number of partnerships concluded in these months was again higher than in the previous year. That changed with the coronavirus pandemic. During the lockdown, from mid-March through to May, on average almost half as many couples married each week than in the same period in 2019. Fewer people got married on Fridays and Saturdays in particular. Nevertheless, an average of over 500 couples said ‘I do’ each week. A relatively higher number of marriages were also concluded on appealing dates during the lockdown. On Monday 20 April, more than 300 couples married, almost 1.5 times more than on an average Monday in April.

During the lockdown, fewer registered partnerships were concluded than in the same period in 2019, but the decrease was smaller than for the number of marriages.

Number of weddings up again from June

After the gradual relaxation of the coronavirus measures, the number of marriages and partnerships concluded once again increased. From June onwards, more couples entered into a partnership than in the same months a year earlier. The number of weddings still lagged behind; in August by about 10 percent and in July and September by almost 20 percent. However, on the attractive dates of 20-7-2020 (Monday) and 20-8-2020 (Thursday) and 20-9-2020 (Sunday) more marriages again took place than on similar days a year earlier. However, Friday 20-6-2020 saw relatively few couples getting married. In June especially, the number of weddings on Fridays and Saturdays still lagged behind 2019.

Marriages per month (x 1,000)
Maand 2018 2019 2020*
Jan 2.757 2.768 2.865
Feb 2.700 2.793 3.806
Mar 3.098 3.216 3.031
Apr 4.454 4.420 2.684
May 6.924 7.612 2.978
Jun 9.014 8.384 4.441
Jul 6.608 6.752 5.371
Aug 9.120 7.213 6.500
Sep 8.686 9.008 7.292

The questions


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Explanation of symbols

Explanation of symbols
Symbol Explanation
Empty cell figure not applicable
. figure is unknown, insufficiently reliable or confidential
* provisional figure
** revised provisional figure
(between two numbers) inclusive
0 (0.0) less than half of unit concerned
2016–2017 2016 to 2017 inclusive
2016/2017 average for the years 2016 up to and including 2017
2016/’17 crop year, financial year, school year etc., beginning in 2016 and ending in 2017
2004/’05–2016/’17 crop year etc. 2004/’05 up to and including 2016/’17

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond to the sum of the separate figures.

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Concept & image editing

Irene van Kuik


Anne Blaak

Janneke Hendriks

Richard Jollie

Hendrik Zuidhoek


Ronald van der Bie

Kees Groenenboom

Annelie Hakkenes-Tuinman

Michel van Kooten

Sidney Vergouw

Paul de Winden

Elma Wobma

Karolien van Wijk

Gert Jan Wijma


Gabriëlle de Vet

Frans Dinnissen

Final editing

Annelie Hakkenes-Tuinman

We thank all other colleagues who have contributed to this edition of The Netherlands in Numbers.