Photo description: Man verkoopt buiten zijn groenten, op achtergrond zitten toeristen op een terrasje, Saba, Caribisch Nederland.

St Eustatius

This infographic shows a contour of the island of St Eustatius, showing the number of residents, percentage of renewable energy production and the labour participation rate. 31.0 % 71.0 % 3,142 renewable energy production ** labour participation rate ** residents * * 1 January 2021 ** 2020


This infographic shows the number of live born children on St Eustatius, deaths, immigration and emigration figures. The population grew by 3 persons. + 3* *other c or r ections and domestic net mig r ation included Li v e bi r ths 50 D e aths 16 Immig r ation 115 Emig r ation 146 P o p u l a t i o n d y n am i cs S t E u s t a t i u s , 2020

Immigration halved in 2020

Population by region of birth, 1 January, St Eustatius (x 1,000)
Country 2011 2016 2021
1.12 1.11 1.12
Aruba, Curaçao,
St Maarten
0.57 0.65 0.71
Other South and
Central America
1.11 0.93 0.88
0.40 0.11 0.08
0.15 0.20 0.20

On St Eustatius, the number of inhabitants did not change much in 2020. On 1 January 2021, St Eustatius counted 3,142 inhabitants. This is 469 fewer than in 2011. The number of residents born in the Caribbean Netherlands (1.1 thousand, almost all of them born on the island – has not changed over the past decade. The population decline mainly concerned persons born in the United States; due to clean-ups of the population register, the records of US-born persons showed they had moved back to their home country.

Live births and number of deaths, St Eustatius
Population development 2015/2018 2019 2020
Live births 31 30 50
Deaths 16 15 16

In 2020, the total number of live births was relatively high: 50, up from 30 in 2019 and an average of 32 in the period 2015–2019. The birth rate on St Eustatius increased most notably among inhabitants in their thirties. The reason for this increase has not been investigated. A possible explanation is that, due to coronavirus measures, women were more likely to give birth on St Eustatius itself rather than on St Maarten. Mortality in 2020 was comparable to the preceding five years. On average 17 deaths were recorded on Statia each year.

66% more births on Statia in 2020 Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
External migration by region of origin/destination, St Eustatius (migrants)
Migration Country of origin/destination 2020 2019 2016/2018
region of
Aruba, Curaçao,
St Maarten, Immigration,
region of
34 32 47
region of
Other South and
Central America, Immigration,
region of
24 80 60
region of
North America, Immigration,
region of
4 19 11
region of
Netherlands, Immigration,
region of
39 41 50
region of
Aruba, Curaçao,
St Maarten, Emigration,
region of
11 24 47
region of
Other South and
Central America, Emigration,
region of
27 5 8
region of
North America, Emigration,
region of
0 7 2
region of
Netherlands, Emigration,
region of
63 34 53

Overall, net migration was negative. Compared to previous years, immigration was nearly halved: from around 200 on average to 115 in 2020. The drop in immigration was seen among multiple origin countries, mostly the Dominican Republic. Emigration rose from around 90 in 2016–2019 to 115 in 2020.

50% fewer immigrants in 2020 Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
Marrying and divorcing persons, St Eustatius
Number of persons 2015/2018 2019 2020
Marrying 22 23 19
Divorcing 21 18 23

In 2020 19 inhabitants of St Eustatius married. This is slightly less than in 2019 and the average for the period 2015–2018 (23 and 22 persons respectively).

St Eustatius: Less thirty+ population due to cleansing of register.

More information about the population of St Eustatius.


Almost 4 in 10 young people were born on St Eustatius

In early 2021, St Eustatius had more than 900 young residents (0 to 24 years). Almost 4 in 10 were born on the island. An approximately equal proportion of the young people were born on St Maarten, partly due to better childbirth facilities on this island. In addition, 13 percent of the young residents were born in Central or South America, 7 percent in the European Netherlands and 4 percent on Curaçao. Half of those from Central or South America were born in the Dominican Republic. Relative to early 2020, a small decrease was seen in the number of young people born in Central or South America, and a small increase in the number born on St Eustatius. Compared to five years ago, fewer children were born on St Eustatius, in Central or South America or in the European Netherlands; more were born on St Maarten and Curaçao.

Young residents by region of birth, 1 January, St Eustatius (0 to 24-year-olds)
Country of birth 2021 2020 2016
St Eustatius 340 332 382
St Maarten 311 308 266
Central and South America 118 126 150
European Netherlands 68 71 78
Curaçao 33 30 23
Other 54 41 46

The number of young adults (20 to 24 years) on the island is relatively small compared to the younger age categories. This is partly due to migration processes. In the category 20–24 years, the numbers born on St Eustatius, St Maarten, European Netherlands and Curaçao are smaller than in the younger categories, while a larger number was born in Central or South America.

924 residents of St Eustatius are between 0 and 24 years old Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
Young residents by region of birth, 1 January 2021, St Eustatius (0 to 24-year-olds)
Country of birth St Eustatius St Maarten Central and South America European Netherlands Curaçao Other
0 to 4 yrs 56 85 9 7 11 19
5 to 9 yrs 71 79 14 11 6 11
10 to 14 yrs 78 79 25 25 8 9
15 to 19 yrs 80 44 33 22 7 7
20 to 24 yrs 55 24 37 3 1 8

More information about youth on St Eustatius.

Please also visit also our Youth Monitor with information on the Caribbean Netherlands


Reef Health Index

The health of coral reefs is measured through the Reef Health Index on a scale from 1 (critical) to 5 (very good). The index is determined by coral cover, microalgae cover (growing partly on the corals), herbivorous fish (that eat algae) and, large groupers and snappers (that eat smaller fish).

Fleshy macroalgae cover 1), St Eustatius (%)
1999 no data available
2000 no data available
2001 no data available
2002 no data available
2003 no data available
2004 no data available
2005 43%
2006 no data available
2007 18%
2008 14%
2009 no data available
2010 no data available
2011 no data available
2012 no data available
2013 no data available
2014 no data available
2015 25%
2016 no data available
2017 24%
2018 24%
2019 32%
2020 17%
Source: Kitson-Walters, K. (the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality & CNSI-NIOZ)
and Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database
1) No data available for 1999 to 2004, 2006, 2009 to 2014 and 2016

Herbivorous fish mainly consist of parrotfish and surgeonfish.

Key herbivorous fish 1), St Eustatius
1999 4,977
2000 no data available
2001 no data available
2002 no data available
2003 no data available
2004 no data available
2005 no data available
2006 no data available
2007 no data available
2008 2,100
2009 no data available
2010 no data available
2011 no data available
2012 no data available
2013 no data available
2014 2,514
2015 9,411
2016 no data available
2017 10,482
2018 15,225
2019 20,047
2020 18,328
Source: Kitson-Walters, K. (the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality & CNSI-NIOZ)
and Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database
1) No data available for 2000 to 2007, 2009 to 2013 and 2016

Groupers and snappers are commercially important fish species for human consumption.

Key commercial fish 1), St Eustatius
1999 921
2000 no data available
2001 no data available
2002 no data available
2003 no data available
2004 1,132
2005 no data available
2006 no data available
2007 no data available
2008 2,261
2009 no data available
2010 no data available
2011 no data available
2012 no data available
2013 no data available
2014 1,144
2015 2,195
2016 no data available
2017 3,106
2018 11,897
2019 7,941
2020 7,379
Source: Kitson-Walters, K. (the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality & CNSI-NIOZ)
and Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database
1) No data available for 2000 to 2003, 2005 to 2007, 209 to 2013 and 2016

The coral cover has declined sharply since 1999.

Coral Cover 1), St Eustatius (%)
1999 23%
2000 no data available
2001 no data available
2002 no data available
2003 no data available
2004 no data available
2005 27%
2006 no data available
2007 26%
2008 6,5%
2009 no data available
2010 no data available
2011 no data available
2012 no data available
2013 no data available
2014 no data available
2015 5%
2016 no data available
2017 5%
2018 4%
2019 5%
2020 3%
Source: Kitson-Walters, K. (the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality & CNSI-NIOZ)
and Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database
1)No data available for 2000 to 2004, 2009, 2010 to 2014 and 2016

The Reef Health Index remained stable for the last four years and is considered fair due to the ‘very good’ biomass levels of key herbivorous fish and commercially important fish. The health of the coral reefs themselves is critically low. 

More information about the reef health index of St Eustatius.

Energy and water

Electricity production, St Eustatius (million kWh)
Year Fossil Renewable
2007 11.3 0.0
2008 11.1 0.0
2009 11.4 0.0
2010 12.8 0.0
2011 12.6 0.0
2012 13.7 0.0
2013 13.5 0.0
2014 13.4 0.0
2015 13.9 0.0
2016 11.6 2.3
2017 10.2 3.8
2018 7.8 6.5
2019 8.7 6.3
2020 10.4 4.8

Over a period of fourteen years, electricity production on St. Eustatius increased by 34 percent, from 11.3 million kilowatt hours (kWh) in 2007 to 15.2 million kilowatt hours in 2020. Of the total electricity production in 2020, 4.8 million kilowatt hours (31 percent) came from renewable sources. In 2019 the share of renewable electricity production was 41.9 percent and this was generated by solar panels.

The generation of sustainable energy started in 2016 when the first solar farm was constructed. In November 2017 that farm was expanded, resulting in a doubling of solar electricity production.

31% share of renewable electricity production in 2020 Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
Water production, St Eustatius (1,000 m³)
Year Water production
2014 47.3
2015 56.6
2016 64.6
2017 68.0
2018 75.0
2019 97.3
2020 93.1

In 2020, water production on St Eustatius was 0.0931 million cubic metres (m3). In 2014 the total was just 0.0473 million cubic metres, so this represents an increase of 97 percent over a 7‑year period. In 2020 water production decreased by 0.0042 million cubic metres on 2019. Normally, water production increases every year. One explanation for the decrease could be that, due to the lockdown, no tourists were able to visit St. Eustatius during most of 2020.

More information about water and electricity production on St Eustatius.

Tourism and transport

In 2020, the number of visitors (non-residents) arriving by air on St Eustatius stood at 3.3 thousand. This represents a decrease of 69 percent on 2019. After two normal months, the tourism sector on St Eustatius was clearly affected by the coronavirus crisis. From April through October, hardly any visitors arrived on St Eustatius. The main countries of origin of the visitors by air in 2020 were the European Netherlands (22 percent) and Aruba, Curaçao or St Maarten (31 percent). In December 2020, F.D. Roosevelt Airport was given a new hub function enabling direct flights between Bonaire and St Eustatius next to its connection to and from St Maarten. St Eustatius does not have a regular ferry connection with St Maarten.

3.3 thousand visitor arrivals by air only in 2020
Visitors by air, St Eustatius (x 1,000)
Year Number of visitors
2014 11.3
2015 10.7
2016 11.0
2017 10.3
2018 10.5
2019 10.5
2020* 3.3
* Provisional figures
Visitors by air to St Eustatius, by nationality (%)
Nationality 2020* 2019 2018
Dutch (Aruba,
Curaçao, St Maarten)
31 32 31
Dutch (Europe) 22 21 20
US 10 11 13
Dominican 7 6 6
Other European (excl. Dutch) 10 11 10
Other 20 20 20
* Provisional figures

More information about inbound tourism by air on St Eustatius.

Traffic and Transport

In 2020, there were 3.0 thousand aircraft movements to and from St Eustatius, down 53 percent on the previous year. The number of passengers visiting St Eustatius in 2020 declined even further, by 68 percent. Air traffic on St Eustatius was halted for some time due to COVID-19 restrictions. In the fourth quarter of 2020, air traffic decreased by 59 percent on the previous year. In that quarter, the number of passengers also remained far behind (82 percent) the level of one year previously.

Aircraft movements on St Eustatius (x 1,000)
Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2014 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5
2015 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4
2016 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5
2017 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.8
2018 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7
2019 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
2020 * 1.4 0.3 0.7 0.7
2021 * 0.8 . . .
* Provisional figures

More information about monthly airport data on St Eustatius.


In 2020, the size of the working age population (15 to 74 years) on St Eustatius was 2.4 thousand, with 71.0 percent in employment. Male labour force participation was slightly above average: 71.8 percent, against 70.1 percent of the women. Participation was relatively low among young people. Two-thirds (65.6 percent) of the lower educated were in employment, versus 78.8 percent of those with an intermediate education level and 89.8 percent of the highly educated.

In 2020, Statia’s unemployment rate was 2.3 percent of the labour force, equivalent to 40 unemployed.

71.0% of the 2.4 thousand in the Statian labour force are employed Buitenvorm Binnenvorm

Of all Statian residents, 660 were not in the local labour force. They were not looking for work or not immediately available; in most cases, a combination of both. A large group (42 percent) were those not prepared or unable to work due to old age or retirement. At 27 percent, education was also an important reason for local – mainly young – residents not to be working. Other, smaller groups include those unable to work due to a disability or poor health (3 percent) or people who have to take care of a family (4 percent).

Net labour participation (15 to 74 yrs), St Eustatius, 2020 (%)
Net labour participation rate
Total 71.0
Male 71.8
Female 70.1
15-24 yrs 31.9
25-44 yrs 87.4
45-74 yrs 68.7
Low education level 65.6
Intermediate education level 78.8
High education level 89.8
Population not in labour force (15 to 74 yrs), St Eustatius, 2020
Population not in labour force
Not available or not looking .
Available but not looking for work 110
Looking but not available for work .
Not available and not looking .
Willing to work 10
Not willing/able to work because of .
Care 30
Education 180
Retirement or old age 280
Illness, disability, poor health 20
Other reason 30

The average annual wage of employee jobs on St Eustatius was 36.4 thousand US dollars in 2019. This is 7 percent more compared with 2018. Women’s wages were 26 percent lower than men’s. Over a third of employee jobs (36 percent) had earnings less than 20 thousand US dollars.

Average annual wage of employee jobs, St Eustatius (1,000 USD)
Year Male Female
2011 36.13 24.05
2012 39.82 26.23
2013 39.44 26.7
2014 41.88 29.62
2015 43.63 30.63
2016 43.19 30.75
2017 46.74 31.04
2018 38.92 29.51
2019* 42.32 31.17
* Provisional figures

More information about jobs and wages on St Eustatius.


Households on St Eustatius have the highest median disposable income of the Caribbean Netherlands. In 2019, households in median had 26.9 thousand US dollars to spend. This was 3.5 thousand US dollars less than in 2017, when the median income was at its peak. The same pattern is visible among households with incomes primarily from labour. Peaking at 35.1 thousand US dollars in 2017, their median income dropped to 31.8 thousand US dollars in 2019. The median income for households receiving social benefits grew substantially in 2019, to 9.5 thousand US dollars.

Median disposable household income, St Eustatius (1,000 USD (in prices of 2019))
All households Main income from work Main income from social benefits
2011 27.9 31.4 7.9
2012 28.5 32.4 8.3
2013 27.8 31.7 8.3
2014 28 32 7
2015 29.7 34.1 7.8
2016 26.4 31.4 8.4
2017 30.4 35.1 8.1
2018 27 32.2 8.4
2019* 26.9 31.8 9.5
* Provisional figures

More information about the income of households on St Eustatius.

Purchasing power development

The purchasing power for people on St Eustatius has increased each year since 2012. In 2019 the median growth of 4.9 percent was at its highest level, as wages increased and both minimum wages and social benefits received a structural increase of 5.0 percent on top of the regular indexation. For working people, the purchasing power rose by 4.8 percent in 2019. People in households on social benefits saw the greatest improvement: their median purchasing power rose by 5.4 percent. Fewer than 1 out of 6 persons in this group were negatively affected.

Median purchasing power development, St Eustatius (year-on-year % change)
All households Main income from work Main income from social benefits
2012 4.5 3.9 5.7
2013 2.3 3.1 2.2
2014 1.1 1.6 -0.9
2015 4.6 5.4 4.5
2016 2.0 1.2 8.7
2017 2.7 1.5 6.3
2018 2.5 2.0 3.4
2019* 4.9 4.8 5.4
* Provisional figures

In 2019, as in the previous year, the median purchasing power grew for every type of household. Due to a higher child benefit, people in households with (minor) children gained the most. One-parent households experienced the largest growth in spending power, namely 7.4 percent. Fewer than 1 out of 3 persons in these households were negatively affected. Among couples with children, the purchasing power increased by 5.8 percent.

Median purchasing power development by household composition, St Eustatius (year-on-year % change)
2019* 2018
Single person households 5.3 1.7
One parent households 7.4 3.1
Couples, without child(ren) 2.0 1.8
Couples, with child(ren) 5.8 2.9
Multiperson housholds nec 3.2 2.4
* Provisional figures

More information about the purchasing power on St Eustatius.

Income inequality

St Eustatius has the largest income inequality of the three islands. In 2019 the Gini coefficient had a value of 0.43. In terms of the Gini coefficient 0 means total equality: every household has the same income, and 1 means total inequality: one household has all the income, the rest has none. In the period 2011 to 2014 and in 2017, there was less income inequality than in the other years.

Gini coefficient, St Eustatius
Gini coefficient
2011 0.42
2012 0.41
2013 0.41
2014 0.41
2015 0.43
2016 0.43
2017 0.41
2018 0.43
2019* 0.43
* Provisional figures

More information about the income inequality on St Eustatius.

Support for companies

As of March 2020, a package of emergency measures has been in place in the Caribbean Netherlands to tackle the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis. On St Eustatius, 47 percent of businesses availed of a financial contribution towards their wage costs and/or fixed charges last year, with a total of 2.7 million US dollars being paid out for wage costs and 0.7 million for fixed charges. Of all contributions, 19 percent were intended for the accommodation and food services sector.

Companies receiving support through the emergency package by sector, St Eustatius, 2020
Categorie Total companies Companies receiving support
Accommodation and food services 50 30
Other services 50 20
Construction 40 10
Trade 40 20
Rental and other business services 30 10
Transport and storage 20 10
Health care and welfare 10 10
Culture, sports and recreation 10 10

Applications were made for wage and living cost allowances related to 320 jobs of both employees and self-employed. Almost one-fifth of these applications were made in the accommodation and food services sector.

More information about companies that received support via the emergency package on St Eustatius.

Consumer prices

In 2020, prices for consumer goods and services on St Eustatius fell by 1.5 percent compared to the previous year. Prices went up by 0.7 percent in 2019.

Consumer Price Index (CPI), St Eustatius (year-on-year % change)
Year Quarter Year-on-year change
2017 Q1, 2017 1.1
2017 Q2, 2017 2.6
2017 Q3, 2017 2.1
2017 Q4, 2017 1.8
2018 Q1, 2018 2.0
2018 Q2, 2018 1.2
2018 Q3, 2018 1.1
2018 Q4, 2018 1.1
2019 Q1, 2019 0.7
2019 Q2, 2019 0.4
2019 Q3, 2019 0.7
2019 Q4, 2019 1.0
2020 Q1, 2020 1.2
2020 Q2, 2020 -0.8
2020 Q3, 2020 -3.3
2020 Q4, 2020 -3.2
2021 Q1, 2021 -4.1
2021 Q2, 2021 -1.2

Prices of housing, water and energy dropped by 5.4 percent and communication prices by 9.2 percent. This was mainly caused mainly by government subsidies on electricity, water and internet (relief measures in the context of the coronavirus epidemic).

5.4% price drop for housing, water and energy on Statia in 2020 Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
Consumer Price Index (CPI), St Eustatius (2017=100)
Year Quarter Food and non-alcoholic beverages Housing, water and energy
2017 Q1, 2017 96.7 100.5
2017 Q2, 2017 98.3 101.0
2017 Q3, 2017 102.9 99.1
2017 Q4, 2017 102.0 99.4
2018 Q1, 2018 103.5 98.8
2018 Q2, 2018 104.3 99.1
2018 Q3, 2018 102.6 101.9
2018 Q4, 2018 101.6 102.2
2019 Q1, 2019 102.5 100.4
2019 Q2, 2019 101.8 100.4
2019 Q3, 2019 101.8 101.3
2019 Q4, 2019 102.0 101.8
2020 Q1, 2020 102.5 101.7
2020 Q2, 2020 102.8 98.0
2020 Q3, 2020 103.1 91.3
2020 Q4, 2020 104.5 91.2
2021 Q1, 2021 104.5 93.0
2021 Q2, 2021 104.7 94.0

Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 1.2 percent whereas prices of clothing and footwear fell by 4.4 percent.

More information about the consumer price index (CPI) for St Eustatius.


The gross domestic product (GDP) of St Eustatius contracted from 142 million US dollars in 2017 to 128 million US dollars in 2018.noot1 This represents an annual decrease of 9.8 percent.

Gross domestic product, St Eustatius (million USD)
Year GDP
2012 133
2013 137
2014 131
2015 134
2016 131
2017 142
2018 128

In volume terms, GDP decreased by 11.8 percent. The volume growth of GDP is calculated by adjusting value growth for inflation on the basis of the consumer price index.

128 million USD was the GDP in 2018 Buitenvorm Binnenvorm
GDP volume growth, St Eustatius (year-on-year % change)
Year Year-on-year change
2013 0.8
2014 -6.8
2015 3.2
2016 -1.0
2017 6.6
2018 -11.8

The contraction is linked to a few large companies on the island. Their production is mainly export-oriented and dependent on regional developments in the oil sector. They were affected by the hurricanes Irma and Maria, which moved along the Windward Islands in September 2017. These companies have a substantial effect on GDP; on national income, the effect is much more limited. The profits of these companies are not included in the national income as they are wholly foreign-owned enterprises.

GDP per capita decreased from 43.0 thousand US dollars in 2017 to 39.5 thousand US dollars in 2018.

GDP per capita, St Eustatius (1,000 USD)
Year GDP per capita
2012 34.5
2013 34.6
2014 33.1
2015 37.8
2016 40.6
2017 43
2018 39.5

More information on the Gross Domestic Product of St Eustatius.


Gross domestic product (market prices) (GDP):

The final result of productive activities of production units in the Netherlands. It equals the sum of value added in all sectors of industry, and includes some transactions that are not classified by sector of industry.

Volume change:

The weighted average of the changes in the volume and quality of the parts of particular goods or service transactions or the value added.

GDP per capita (as defined by Eurostat):

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of real GDP to the average population of a specific year.

International trade

Since little manufacturing or production takes place on St Eustatius, most goods need to be imported. Over a span of three years, the island’s trade deficit decreased by one-quarter. In 2020, it stood at 39 million US dollars, i.e. 11 percent smaller than in the previous year. Imports fell by 10 percent, reaching 41 million US dollars in 2020. Goods exports (1 million US dollars) were up by 13 percent year-on-year.

Imports and exports of goods, St Eustatius (million USD)
Import value Export value Trade balance
2016 36.5 1.6 -34.9
2017 54.8 2.5 -52.3
2018 50.8 3.9 -46.8
2019 45.3 1.3 -44.0
2020 40.6 1.4 -39.2
41 million USD was the value of goods imports on Statia in 2020

There is no indication that St Eustatius’ smaller trade deficit in 2020 was a direct result of the coronavirus crisis. Furthermore, there were no significant decreases in the numbers of customs declarations between the separate quarters of 2020 and 2019.

St Eustatius’ goods imports reached their highest value (12 million US dollars) in the third quarter and their lowest (8 million US dollars) in the first quarter of 2020.

Imports of goods, St Eustatius, 2020 (million USD)
Import value
Q1 7.8
Q2 8.5
Q3 12.3
Q4 12.0

More information about international trade on St Eustatius.


Statistics Netherlands publishes GDP figures for the Caribbean Netherlands two years following the reporting period. Earlier publication has not been feasible due to data availability.


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More information (in Dutch only):

Explanation of symbols

Empty cell figure not applicable
. figure is unknown, insufficiently reliable or confidential
* provisional figure
** revised provisional figure
(between two numbers) inclusive
0 (0.0) less than half of unit concerned
2016–2017 2016 to 2017 inclusive
2016/2017 average for the years 2016 up to and including 2017
2016/’17 crop year, financial year, school year etc., beginning in 2016 and ending in 2017
2004/’05–2016/’17 crop year etc. 2004/’05 up to and including 2016/’17

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond to the sum of the separate figures.

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