Edition 2020

Photo description: Schoolgirls in a classroom.

Where do Caribbean Dutch children live?

In Bonaire, 56 percent of young people lived with both parents and just over a quarter lived with one parent. In St Eustatius, 39 percent lived with both parents and 43 percent with one parent. In Saba, half of young people lived with both parents and 28 percent with one parent. On 1 January 2020, a total of nearly 7 thousand people aged 0 to 24 years lived in the Caribbean Netherlands, which equals 27 percent of the population.

Other situationWith both parentsWith one parent8%0-3 yrs4-11 yrs12-17 yrsBonaireSabaSt Eustatius65%27%19%41%16%61%23%41%11%57%32%15%44%41%11%28%7%55%38%10%46%44%10%61%29%60%Where do Caribbean Dutch children live?

In early 2020, just over half of young people in the Caribbean Netherlands lived with both parents. The share of children who live with one parent was 28 percent. The share that lives with one or both parents increased between 2012 and 2019 from 72 to 81 percent. A small share (7 percent) lived independently, either with a partner and/or child or otherwise. The rest of the young people in the Caribbean Netherlands were members of another household. This means, for example, that they live with their partner (and children if any) in the home of their parents or their partner’s parents, have moved in with a brother or sister who lives independently or live with an uncle or aunt. This share fell between 2012 and 2020, from 17 to 11 percent.

Population aged 0-24 yrs by household composition, 1 January (%)
Eiland Year Child with two parents Child with one parent Single Partner in a couple Single parent Other
Bonaire 2012, Bonaire 51.4 23.0 4.2 3.8 0.9 16.7
Bonaire 2020, Bonaire 55.7 26.0 3.4 2.9 0.7 11.3
St Eustatius 2012, St Eustatius 43.2 28.7 3.9 2.1 0.8 21.4
St Eustatius 2020, St Eustatius 38.7 42.6 2.5 2.0 0.9 13.3
Saba 2012, Saba 40.5 14.7 22.9 7.0 0.5 14.4
Saba 2020, Saba 50.0 28.1 9.1 4.1 1.2 7.4

At the start of 2020, 56 percent of the young people in Bonaire lived with both parents. In addition, slightly more than a quarter lived with one parent. Both shares have increased by several percentage points since 2012. In 2020, 11 percent lived in another household. This share has fallen by 6 percentage points since 2012.

In early 2020, nearly 40 percent of young people in St Eustatius lived with both parents and upwards of 40 percent with one parent. The share of young people living with one parent has increased since 2012 by 14 percentage points. More than one in seven young people are part of another household. This share has fallen by 8 percentage points since 2012.

At the beginning of 2020, half of young people in Saba lived with both parents and more than a quarter lived with one parent. Both shares have increased significantly since the beginning of 2012: by 9 and 13 percentage points, respectively. The share of single young people stood at 9 percent. This is a decrease of 14 percentage points relative to 2012. This is largely due to the clean-up of the population registry that took place between 2012 and 2020, with students from North America having since left the island and returned to the United States or Canada.

The questions


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Explanation of symbols

Explanation of symbols
Symbol Explanation
Empty cell figure not applicable
. figure is unknown, insufficiently reliable or confidential
* provisional figure
** revised provisional figure
(between two numbers) inclusive
0 (0.0) less than half of unit concerned
2016–2017 2016 to 2017 inclusive
2016/2017 average for the years 2016 up to and including 2017
2016/’17 crop year, financial year, school year etc., beginning in 2016 and ending in 2017
2004/’05–2016/’17 crop year etc. 2004/’05 up to and including 2016/’17

Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond to the sum of the separate figures.

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Concept & image editing

Irene van Kuik


Anne Blaak

Janneke Hendriks

Richard Jollie

Hendrik Zuidhoek


Ronald van der Bie

Kees Groenenboom

Annelie Hakkenes-Tuinman

Michel van Kooten

Sidney Vergouw

Paul de Winden

Elma Wobma

Karolien van Wijk

Gert Jan Wijma


Gabriëlle de Vet

Frans Dinnissen

Final editing

Annelie Hakkenes-Tuinman

We thank all other colleagues who have contributed to this edition of The Netherlands in Numbers.